
18 miles

Brownie had to work this week! I rode him three times with one long ride on Monday, a shorter trail ride out to the trails on James Road on Wednesday and a faster paced hour long trail ride today in the area between the barn and the highway. I had to ride around for quite some time and got some good loping and trotting in. Brownie always got faster when we approached the gate back to the barn, but didn’t really insist of going back once I’d told him that we were still going for more laps.


High Energy Cow

It’s finally cooling off and I haven’t been riding very much lately, so Brownie has way too much energy and is really annoying Stephanie by chasing, biting and kicking the other horses, running out of the gate and being a pain in general.

So I went on a long trail ride this afternoon and vow to ride him more. I want to do it at least every other day when I’m in town. Best would be to do one longer ride 1 1/2 to 2 hours a week. Only problem is that I run so much that I’m tired a lot, but I should just count riding as active recovery. Today I went out on the power-line trail. Parts of it are still under water. I had to pull my feet out of the stirrups if I didn’t want them wet. They did get wet anyway, of course, because Brownie was splashing so much. On the way back I was tired of slowing down to a walk for all the puddles and pools and just went back to the barn on the road.


Pferdchen, lauf Galopp!

Stephanie hat ein Video und Fotos von Brownie und mir gemacht.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Und ich habe sie auch fotografiert.

Die Pferde kommen von der Weide zurueck zum Stall.


Ausritt mit Annika

Ich habe Verwandtenbesuch aus Deutschland!
Meine Schwester und ihr Freund Matthias sind hier und da mussten Annika und ich natuerlich auch zusammen ausreiten.
Morgens ist unser Ritt leider ins Wasser gefallen, aber irgendwann hat der Regen doch aufgehoert und wir konnten am spaeten Nachmittag mit Brownie und Bita, die ich mir freundlicherweise von Stephanie ausleihen durfte, den Urwald unsicher machen.
Das war sehr schoen!